Quickly build a strong foundation and prepare to see hundreds (if not thousands!) of unreached people come into the Kingdom.

If you’re an ordinary disciple of Jesus, deeply committed to reaching the lost, or a full-time minister looking to have much a greater Kingdom impact, you already know you need to take steps of faith and obedience to move forward.

Here's What You Probably Already Know...

God is 100% committed to reaching the lost and healing their brokenness.

If we want to see the transformation of communities, cities, spheres and people groups, we have to make disciples.

Those disciples then have to make more disciples…they must multiply. We need to see movements of disciples.

Here’s What You Might Not Know..

By starting a Disciple Making Movement (DMM) you could shift from impacting hundreds of people to impacting thousands, within just a few years.

Through Disciple Making Movements we can catalyze dramatic social change in whole people groups, cities or regions.

Every follower of Jesus is capable of starting a disciple-making group that will multiply and start other groups.

The 5 Biggest Reasons People Don’t End Up Multiplying Disciples and Launching Movements
They are busy but don’t prioritize fruitful, Kingdom activities.
Prayer isn’t a significant part of their lives and plan.
Evangelism isn’t a lifestyle.
There don’t have any friendly accountability.
They over complicate discipleship.
Discouragement or distractions knock them off course.
If any of this sounds familiar, you are in the right place. These things can be overcome. It takes a willingness to change, and an openess to doing things differently.
God chose you to make a difference in the world. His heart burns for the unreached. With a step by step plan, mentors and coaches to guide you, and peers to cheer you on and keep you accountable, a Disciple Making Movement in your area is more than possible. Join our course and community today!

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Aaron joined the Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements Program in one of the first cohorts. Before the course, he was a frustrated and discouraged believer. He longed to see something happen in his community, but didn’t know how to begin.

When we saw his name and location, we realized one of our experienced coaches lived only a few hours from him. Its seemed clear that God had been setting it for them to meet and begin to work together. Excited, Aaron started to meet with his new coach.

Anticipation grew as he watched the training videos, prayed, and began to write down his End Vision. Faith was rising in his heart.

The coach met with him and together they made specific goals related to the videos he'd watched and pdfs he’d been reading. Soon, Aaron was able to mobilize others in his community and build a team around his vision to reach his area.

Learning simple, reproducible evangelism skills, he started training his team and interested people. They began to abundantly share the gospel with a goal to reach every household in their county of about 50,000 people. Already, many have responded saying they are open to hear more! With the results they are starting to see, Aaron estimates about 10% are ready to respond. That would mean more than 5,000 people that say they are interested to hear more, give their lives to Jesus, or join a fellowship.

Aaron’s outlook has radically changed by learning more about DMMs in this program and through his assigned coach. Joining a community of like-minded people has made a radical difference and seeing a movement is no longer a distant dream. Now, it looks possible and do-able with God’s help.

Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements:

Even If You are Busy, Don’t Speak the Language Well and Have No Money

Is the only program of its kind that…
-Provides an amazing interactive community through regional Whatsapp groups
-Addresses Focus and Busyness Issues
-Offers live, regional zoom calls,
-Is taught by someone who has started a movement herself

-an opportunity to participate in a disciple-makers group online yourself as you learn,

-the option of individual coaching (by invitation to those who are actively applying the principles and action steps encouraged in the course)

Choose a currency option, then select how you'd like to pay

this discounted amount.

In this course you will go from feeling confused, busy, and overwhelmed by the task of reaching the unreached to feeling inspired, hopeful and full of faith that God can multiply disciples through you.

-Develop a step by step faith-filled plan for prayer saturation,
- Discover simple, but proven, evangelism strategies
- Find local influencers (Persons of Peace).
- Learn to stay focused on what key fruitful activities
-Start your first Disciple-Making group.

This group will be set up to grow and multiply, launching new groups in the months and years to come.

Example Curriculum

  Module 1: Clarify Your God Sized Dream
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Am I Too Busy to Multiply Disciples?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Design Your Prayer Plan
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Abundant Seed Sowing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Finding Local Partners and the Person of Peace
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Start Your First Group
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS COURSE: Inviting Muslims to Follow Jesus
Available in days
days after you enroll

"A rare and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL course, that has helped me TREMENDOUSLY to achieve breakthrough in reaching an unreached people group. C. Anderson has coached and trained with love, passion, wisdom, humility, & Christlike character" B in Vietnam

“I learned some very useful information about prayer walks, factors to really consider in looking for Person's of Peace and different approaches to evangelism and when to start a Discovery Bible Study Group. It is very practical and can apply to your unique situation almost anywhere in the world. It can take you step by step in the process of starting a DMM”- Michael (working in North Asia)

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

Registration is now open. The first module materials are available immediately upon registration. After that, new modules will be released every two weeks so you can work through the course step by step. All materials are available to you as long as you need them though, so if you can't begin immediately or want to work through the course at your own pace, that is completely fine. The course instructor and Whatsapp groups are only available for 12-14 weeks however.

What if I have an emergency and get behind, or I get too busy to watch the videos?

No problem! Though a new module becomes available to you every two weeks, once sent to you, the videos are available indefinitely. No need to worry. You can work at your own pace. If you take a few weeks off in the middle and come back to it, no problem.

Do I have the time it takes to do this course?

Busyness is an issue for all of us. It is one of the major obstacles to being a fruitful disciple-maker. That is why I have devoted an entire module to this topic and even included it in the subtitle of the course! I definitely have faced this myself as a mission leader who travels to speak and carries many other responsibilities besides disciple-making. In Module two, I will show you key tips to overcome this and how to create time in your life for what is most important to you. To make it worthwhile you need about two hours a week to watch the videos and do the activities.

Is this course only intended for full-time pastors or missionaries?

Absolutely not! This course is designed for anyone who is serious about making disciples among the least, last and lost. Every disciple can make disciples. No special titles or qualifications required!

How is this course different from other online trainings about disciple-making?

There are several major differences. 1) This course is taught by someone who has launched disciple-making movements herself on the field. It is loaded with real-life examples from C. Anderson’s personal journey and struggle to launch a Disciple-Making Movement. 2) Another difference is that it is taught by someone who you will easily identify with, not by a big-name leader or pastor. The instructor understands your struggles and has been where you are today, not so very long ago. 3) This course is unique in that it offers both a Whatsapp community and LIVE calls led by experienced field practitioners who have faced the same challenges you have. They will help you move forward, get unstuck, and stay on track with your goals. 4) Lastly, we recently added the option to participate in a one-month ONLINE DISCIPLE-MAKING GROUP experience. This is offered several times a year. To participate you need to have completed the first three modules. By participating in this you will not only learn about how to start disciple-making groups that multiply, but you will also get to be part of one! We know of no other course that does this and it's a game-changer!

What if I don’t have internet access one week?

No problem. You can catch up the next week. You will not get behind and it doesn’t take long to catch up with the rest of the class.

How long does it take to watch the videos?

Each module includes four or five short videos with a total listening time for each module of around thirty minutes. This gives you plenty of time to also read the bonus PDFs and do the activities assigned.

Can the videos and pdfs be downloaded?

Yes. Absolutely. We want you to be able to refer back to these easily or to use them offline if that is easier for you.

What if I don’t feel like this course is helpful to me?

If you start the course and realize it isn’t what you were wanting, make use of our 100% Money Back Guarantee within 30 days and we will refund you the money you’ve invested. We really don’t want people to pay for something that doesn’t end up helping them make disciples that multiply! There is absolutely no risk in taking this course. We removed that with our guarantee.

Can you remind me of everything I am getting if I enroll in this course today?

Sure. If you purchase Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements: Even if You are Busy, Can’t Speak the Language Well, and Have No Money you will get: -25 teaching videos, -24 PDFs to further explain the lessons, - relevant e-books, - access to a student Whatsapp group, - a Bonus video of a Disciple-makers meeting led by the instructor, - the option of joining an online disciple-making group (DBS) for 4 weeks - the option of individual coaching if you are recommended by your WA group leader as someone who actively participated and applied the principles in the course. - rich relationships with other like-minded people passionately going after the multiplication of God's Kingdom around the world - new friendships with people around the globe - much more!!!

Still Undecided?

This course is perfect for you if…

1.You’ve heard about Disciple Making Movements (DMM) and always wondered if a movement could start through someone like you.

2.You’ve been trying to multiply disciples and start groups but are stuck and not making the kind of progress you thought you would.

3.You are involved in discipleship but looking for better ways to train disciples to make more disciples.

4.Reaching the lost and making disciples is a high priority and you are willing to change in order to see greater fruit.

5.You already spend several hours a week doing outreach and teaching believers. You want to see your Kingdom fruit increase.

6.You a busy person, but are deeply committed to the Great Commission.

7.Language learning is difficult, but you are longing to reaching the unreached around you.

8.You are excited about the dream of launching a movement of Jesus followers that will literally transform your entire region.

9.You want to dream big with God and invite others to join you in doing the impossible with Him.

10.You are ready to put in serious time and effort to multiplying disciples among the least, last and lost…among those who are waiting to hear of God’s love.

Did you find yourself saying “That’s me!” to many of those?

Then I will see you inside of…

Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements: Even if You are Busy, Can’t Speak the Language Well and Have No Money

“We are so grateful that we took the step and signed up for C. Anderson's Disciple-Making Course. What we have received from this course was more than knowledge, though we did learn so much! The community and support that has gathered around us is incredible! We highly recommend this course!”- Students Mark & Kristi Schofield, (USA)

Your Instructor

Cynthia (C.) Anderson was born in Africa. She studied cross-cultural communications at North Central University and earned a Master's degree from Fuller Seminary in Global Leadership. She and her husband have lived the past 30+ years in Asia. She is the author of the best-selling book The Multiplier's Mindset: Thinking Differently About Discipleship, and an ordained minister. Anderson has helped catalyze numerous DMMs in Asia & Africa. An experienced coach and DMM trainer, she is passionate about coming alongside those who are serious about wanting to start movements.